Productive Chains as a Source of Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in the Rural Sphere

Esteban Campero

Universidad Nacional de La Plata

This article of reflection not derived from research analyzes how support programs for entrepreneurs acquire increasingly greater importance for governments, universities and organizations, beginning with the existence of a positive correlation between economic growth and the creation of companies. The countryside and agribusinesses are a very competitive area in many South American countries, which do not generally have a particular approach in the field of entrepreneurship, taking into account the differentiating characteristics of the rural sphere. This article analyzes how local productive chains are an important source of opportunities for entrepreneurs, which merit a closer look because such chains make it possible to avoid taking actions to strengthen the productive sector in isolation and, on the contrary, to improve their opportunities for success or optimize their effects. While it is the entrepreneurs themselves who identify opportunities, the productive chains can be a good venue for doing so and support programs should pay special attention to them. The importance of productive chains in an entrepreneurial development process stems, among other reasons, from the fact that they facilitate knowledge of each dimension of economic activity in localities and identify opportunities based on them.

Keywords: agribusinesses, productive change, clúster, local development, entrepreneurs, innovation

How to Cite

E. Campero, “Productive Chains as a Source of Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in the Rural Sphere”, ing. Solidar, vol. 11, no. 18, pp. 75–85, Dec. 2015, doi: 10.16925/in.v11i18.993.
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