Low Power Hydroelectric Systems (Lphs) To Energize Iot Devices : A Review
Introduction: This paper describes the results of the exploratory research developed by the SciBas investigation group of Francisco José de Caldas Distrital University within the low power-Pico hydraulic Hydroelectric Generation Systems (0,5 Kw to 5Kw) framework, that uses the minimum water reservoirs or Ultra Low Head (ULH) or Very Low Head (VLH) - such as drainage channels – and provides energy to IoT devices or its applications.
Problem: About 80% of the world’s population lives in places where energy depends on fossil fuels; thus, it is necessary to generate electric power with renewable sources. Nevertheless, Low Power Generation Systems are an under-researched field, so the applied experiences have not been categorized and documented enough.
Objective: Formulate a baseline to provide a detailed understanding of the structure of Low Power Hydroelectric Systems (LPHS) and establish a perspective for future Colombian context research.
Methodology: Construct conceptualizations, categorizations and sub-categorizations based on vertebrate diagrams oriented to conceptual maps that show documentary references included between the years 2019 and 2023. Results: A review of papers related to Hydroelectric Energy Generation was made, of which 30% consisted of research about LPHS and its advantages and disadvantages; 35% about the generators, batteries and converters that complement this kind of system; and, finally, IoT device applications and sensor networks comprise 35% of the investigation.
Conclusion: It was established that, in addition to the fact that LPHS generation is propitious for IoT devices and its applications, the idea of designing and implementing systems that power sensors and devices through clean energy is an advantage over other forms of generation with resources that, although exhaustible, are easily found within the national geography and are therefore viable for their implementation in non-interconnected zones of the electric system.
Originality: This research is made in drainage channels terms, confirming its unprecedented nature; as well as considering energizing of IoT sensors and sensors networks by LPHS.
Limitations: The review is limited to academic records; therefore, a deepening fieldwork is required for local, regional and national experience documentation in order to expand the applied research baseline.
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