Effect of pressure and supply configuration on mixing efficiency through Venturi effect for co2/h2-ch4/h2 mixtures in Power-To-Gas process : CFD analysis

Camilo Echeverri-Uribe

Universidad de Antioquia

Cristian Camilo Mejía Botero

Universidad de Antioquia

Jhon Jairo Ditta Granados

Universidad de La Guajira

Andrés Adolfo Amell Arrieta

Universidad de Antioquia

Introduction: The present article is one of the outcomes of the project “Desarrollo de un sistema “power to gas” (PTG) en el contexto de las fuentes de energía renovables y convencionales disponible en la Guajira” This project was carried out by the University of Antioquia and the University of La Guajira during the period 2019-2023.

Problem: Efficiency and uniformity in gas mixing for Power-to-Gas applications are influenced by pressure variations and supply configurations.

Objective: To assess the impact of pressure variations and supply configurations on the efficiency of the Venturi mixing process, utilizing indicators such as the Z-factor and the coefficient of variation (CoV).

Methodology: Numerical simulations were conducted for four mixer configurations. For CO2/H2 mixtures, pressures of 1 bar (case i) and 4 bars (case ii) were considered; for CH4/H2 mixtures, pressures of 3 bars (case i) and 35 bars (case ii) were studied.

Results: As the inlet gas pressure increases, uniformity decreases for both mixtures. Horizontal H2 feeding improves CO2/H2 uniformity, while vertical feeding benefits CH4/H2 mixing. The mixer reduces CoV by an average of 80% for CO2/H2. For CH4/H2 mixtures at 3 bars, there is a 60% reduction, but at 35 bars, coefficients increase by 56%.

Conclusion: Pressure and supply configuration significantly influence the mixing process, underscoring the importance of considering these factors in Power-to-Gas applications.

Originality: The study explores the Venturi mixing process in specific gas mixtures for Power-to-Gas applications.

Limitations: The studied conditions and configurations may not encompass all possible scenarios in Power-to-Gas applications.

Keywords: Ventury Type Gas Mixer, CFD study, Mixing performance, Power-to-gas, Hydrogen

How to Cite

C. Echeverri Uribe, C. C. Mejía Botero, J. J. Ditta Granados, and A. A. Amell Arrieta, “Effect of pressure and supply configuration on mixing efficiency through Venturi effect for co2/h2-ch4/h2 mixtures in Power-To-Gas process: CFD analysis”, ing. Solidar, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1–29, Jan. 2024, doi: 10.16925/2357-6014.2024.01.09.
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