Mathematical modeling of the direct and inverse kinetics of a handling robot with three degrees of freedom

José Luis Ramírez Arias

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Astrid Rubiano Fonseca

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

This research paper describes in detail the mathematical models for the direct and inverse kinetics of a handling robot with three degrees of freedom, with the objective of determining the position for each of the robot’s articulations, as well as the positions that may be reached by the final extremity. The model was developed using homogeneous transformation matrixes and Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, as well as numerical methods to verify the efficiency of the proposed models. The model we developed presents two solutions; this makes its implementation complex since a decision process is needed. This development is the result of the research project: “Design and implementation of a Handling Robot with three degrees of freedom for educational purposes”, approved by Conadi in the 2009 call for research projects. The project is being carried out by the Industrial automation research group from the program of Electronic Engineering of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

Keywords: direct kinetics, inverse kinetics, robot control, handling, numerical methods
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