The article presents the ongoing investigation carried out by members of the research’s seedbed regarding Technorobotic from Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia’s Engineering Faculty. The research team links students as assistants of investigation in an active way; they develop applications that contribute signifi cantly to the design and implementation of a didactic module for learning about the construction, implementation and manipulation of robots. The article describes the fi rst case of study of the so-called “mole type robot”; its architecture, electronic design and software are clearly detailed. The design of the electronic system, shown on figure 8, was addressed in two stages: control stage and power stage. In the control stage, the previously mentioned algorithm was programmed on a microcontroller: pic16f877. The power stage is based on a two-h bridge architecture, built with transistors 2n2222 and Tlp 127. For the evaluation software of the case study “mole type robot”, a survey was designed with fi ve answer possibilities in each of the thirty questions (total disagreement, disagreement, unconcerned, undecided or neutral, agreement and total agreement).
robotics, robot, mole, didactic module