Design and control of a single-phase voltage compensator based on an AC Chopper

Giang Le Ngoc

AD-AF Academy of Viet Nam

Trung Dang Tien

University in Vietnam

Tuan Nguyen Ngoc

Le Quy Don Technical University

Linh Nguyen Thi Dieu

Hanoi University of Industry

Introduction: This paper is the result of the research “Design and control of single phase voltage compensator based on AC Chopper” developed in the AD-AF Academy of Viet Nam in 2019.

Problem: This article develops power electronic devices based on AC chopper and provides solution for the voltage sag which is long-lasting and deep amplitude of fading at rural power grid.

Objective: Improve the quality of the electricity system in rural Vietnam.

Methodology: With the improvement of power system, power quality has become the major concern of user and grid companies. The Voltage sag has turned into the research priority because of the most frequently happening and great economic loss. Based on the rounded analysis of traditional voltage compensation devices, this article develops power electronic devices based on AC chopper and provides solution for the voltage sag which is long-lasting and deep amplitude of fading at rural power grid.

Results: On the one hand, it reduces the cost and space of the device. On the other hand, it solves the short compensation time of UPS and DVR.

Conclusion: The trial operation proves that this single-phase low-voltage compensation device has obvious compensation effect for most resistive loads and some inductive loads, less harmonic content, long continuous compensation time and stable performance.

Originality: This compensation device integrates the advantages of UPS and DVR, and also solves their shortcomings and deficiencies.

Limitations: The authors need to spend more time to the development and design three-phase low-voltage compensation device.

Keywords: voltage sag: AC chopper, voltage compensation, rural power grid

How to Cite

G. Le Ngoc, T. Dang Tien, T. Nguyen Ngoc, and L. N. Thi Dieu, “Design and control of a single-phase voltage compensator based on an AC Chopper”, ing. Solidar, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–20, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.16925/2357-6014.2021.01.01.
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