Experimentation with the control hardware for a Solar tracker

José Ulises Castellanos

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

At present, the rational use of energy is a key aspect of sustainable development; this concern has begun driving clean energy research to conserve the environment. With this in mind, measuring and data acquisition equipment has been developed at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia based on the graduation project: “Feasibility for the design of a system for the collection, storage, distribution, and usage of photovoltaic energy in Bogota” made in 2010. This article, which stems from said investigation, explains the design and testing of different analog controllers in order to determine the most efficient way to follow the sunlight in Bogota. The Analog controllers that where implemented are On-Off, proportional and pidtypes, which are within the classic control methods that have been studied for many years; thus there exist a very precise theory that facilitates their implementation. The authors explain a research product for a solar tracking system that uses the controller found by trial and error to be the most efficient.
Keywords: on-off type analog controller, proportional, solar tracker, control systems

How to Cite

J. U. Castellanos, “Experimentation with the control hardware for a Solar tracker”, ing. Solidar, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 53–60, Jan. 2013, doi: 10.16925/.
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