ImplementatIon of the WonderWare softWare as a pedagogIcal strategy for the sImulatIon of IndustrIal processes

Guillermo Luna

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Aura María Rosero

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

The main learning needs of an Industrial Engineer are related to planning and production control; teaching on these areas, as well as in many of the main areas of knowledge learnt by students, must be consistent with the use of new technologies. For this reason, the construction and implementation of a learning scenario was proposed to make the students face typical problems that may arise in a production plant, and furnish him with the tools to face them. The research was named “Implementation of the Wonderware® Software for the Simulation of Industrial Processes” and it was executed in 2006 by the Industrial En- gineering Program of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Pasto. This research undertook the adaptation of the Wonderware® software in academic practice by means of the construction and implementation of common equipment from Colombian industry and of its connection to the software that manages the simulated signs, thus imitating real everyday scenarios from the industry.
Keywords: meaningful learning, process simulation, Wonderware® software, technology

How to Cite

G. Luna and A. M. Rosero, “ImplementatIon of the WonderWare softWare as a pedagogIcal strategy for the sImulatIon of IndustrIal processes”, ing. Solidar, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 46–52, Jan. 2012, doi: 10.16925/.
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