Development of mathematical model of logistics humanitarian assistance with resilience to risk management in earthquakes and earthquakes in Caqueza, Cundinamarca

José Eduardo Barragán Acevedo

Universidad Libre

Ludwig Ben Roald Castañeda Tenjo

Universidad Libre

Ever Ángel Fuentes

Universidad Libre

Introduction: the article is the product of the research “Development of a mathematical model of humanitaria logistics with resilience for risk management in earthquakes and earthquakes in Cádiz, Cundinamarca”, deveped during 2017 and 2018, in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the University Free in Colombia.

Problem: the municipality of Cáqueza, due to its geographical characteristics, presents vulnerability to earth-quakes and does not have a post-disaster logistic plan in accordance with the risk needs of its inhabitants.

Objective: to develop a mathematical model of humanitarian logistics with resilience for risk management in earthquakes in Cávelo, Cundinamarca.

Methodology: diagnosis and measurement of the community resilience index in Cabala to propose a model of humanitarian logistics. The parameters, variables and restrictions are described and validated through computer tools such as Open Solver and Promodel.

Results: a humanitarian logistic model was developed that responds to the reality of the municipality by determing the ideal way to transport, store and distribute provisions to a population with resilient demand.

Conclusion: a tool is generated that provides the Cábala community with a post-disaster logistic model according to their characteristics and needs, which allows them to react to reduce the mortality rate in the event of an earthquake.

Originality: application of resilience in the risk management scenario, with the incorporation of the characteristics of the community to the mathematical models of humanitarian logistics.

Limitations: the proposed model is solved from linear programming and does not take into account probabilistic variables.

Keywords: humanitarian logistics, resilience, mathematical model, application flexibility, risk managament
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