The Human Rights of the Victims in the Framework of Transitional Justice in Colombia

José Guillermo Carrillo Ballesteros

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

The prolonged internal armed conflct that afflts Colombia has its own particular haracteristics, which make ending it a complex process. Situations such as massacres, forced displacement, homicides, sexual violence, forced disappearances, extrajudicial executions and torture, along with the multiplicity of actors, impunity in criminal trials, inefficy of the state apparatus and lack of guarantees for protection of the victims have repeatedly given rise to condemnation by the Inter-American System. Ths has led the Colombian State to implement a legal and regulatory framework with effctive tools of transitional justice in order to address these serious human rights violations. Th government has thus understood that such a transition can only be achieved by building a solid legal framework in which all parties to the conflct would benefi, without of course forgetting those most affcted by this diffilt process, namely the victims.

Keywords: human rights, constitutional guaranteeism, transitional justice, victims
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