The Program Jóvenes en Acción at the Universidad de la Amazonía : A Reading from the Actors Concerned

Inclusión Social y Desarrollo
Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano

Universidad de la Amazonia

Verenice Sánchez Castillo

Universidad de la Amazonia, Florencia, Colombia.

Yamil Hernando Rivera Cortés

Universidad de la Amazonia

Introduction: Jóvenes en Acción (pjea, after its Spanish initials) is a program of the national government of Colombia that aims to support higher education processes through conditional cash transfers to young people who are pursuing undergraduate studies. At the Universidad de la Amazonia, this program became operational from the first half of 2014 and currently benefits 2223 students at this alma mater. Methodology: The tools used were file checking, review of program databases, identification of key stakeholders, interviews, and data processing in the Altas Ti software. Results: A regular increase throughout each half regarding beneficiaries and a decrease in inactive and conditioned students were evidenced. The students’ collective imaginary about the program is that it is successful but in the short term and has immediate impact, far from what the program itself is looking for. Conclusions: It is necessary to progress on two lines of interest that causes the program’s concern, namely, coverage and level of demand, which should be present to support it.

Keywords: education, executors, student, imaginary.
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