Understanding the Barriers to Social Innovation Faced by Social and Solidarity Economy Actors : A Communicational Approach
Universidad Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand
Estudiante de doctorado
email: Nicolas.DURACKA@univ-bpclermont.fr
Purpose: This article proposes a new conceptual framework in three dimensions, using the ontologically interdisciplinary component of Information and Communication Sciences. Description: It proposes a communicational approach to social innovation of social and solidarity economy actors, addressing the praxeological dynamics of common sense and the construction of shared knowledge in a public space. Point of view: In particular, the dichotomy between a utilitarian and transforming identity in sse organizations and the communication practices involved are questioned. Conclusions: The progress described herein has a tendency, in our opinion, to challenge the dichotomies established in connection with the sse (isomorphic social economy vs. transforming solidarity economy) and social innovation (a “weak” version vs. a “strong” version). In fact, the processes triggered in these two fields are much more complex and much more ambivalent.
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