
Cooperativismo & Desarrollo is a scientific journal that seeks the publication of research articles, review and reflection on solidarity and social innovation, social and solidarity economy, solidarity education, public policies and family agriculture. Its target audience are researchers, research groups, teachers, students, professionals and other actors or agencies that have activity in the business and cooperative sector. Cooperativismo & Desarrollo, in its area, is one of the few journals that has been running for several decades, with more than 100 published issues.


Cooperativism & Development is a scientific journal that has been circulating since 1975 in print and as of 2016 is available in electronic format, using the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, currently in version 3.3.
OECD Classification
Area: Social sciences Subarea: Other social sciences Discipline : Social sciences, interdisciplinary and other social sciences.


It is a continuous edition journal with advance cuts published every six months in January and July through the OJS platform.


Open Access Policy
All the contents of the journal are published in open access, under a Creative Commons’ Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).


It welcomes the principles of editorial practice to the ethical foundation and of good editorial practices, the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, the third version of a work in progress (published in January 2018) by the Committee on Publication Ethics.
Publication costs
The submission of papers to the journal and its editing process, if approved, is free; it has no cost, in any phase for the authors. The journal is financed in its entirety by Ediciones UCC.


The journal, contributing to the global dissemination and exchange of knowledge, allows the use, reproduction, communication, distribution, dissemination and transformation in a public and free manner, with the obligation to cite its origin in any partial or total reproduction. The published originals are distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. To know the permitted uses To know the legal terms of the License


Possibilities of plagiarism are eliminated by the software TURNITIN


Supported by
INDESCO. Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia