Methodological guide based in icts for the teaching of English as a foreign language

Dossier temático de investigaciones terminadas
Sonia Alexandra Rojas Reyes
Cindy Catherine Suárez Hernández
Lizeth Johanna Velandia Vesga

This article presents the results of the research project “Teaching English as a second language based on ict s”, developed at the Escuela Normal Superior de Bucaramanga; this research stems from the macro-project “Interaction between ict and bilingual teaching as a functional learning alternative”, it was developed from the second semester 2010 to the first semester 2012. Given that we are in a world that is globalized, books are no longer adequate as the sole teaching resource, nor is it enough to recommend the use of new technologies to the students, we must instead implement them in the classroom and guide the collaborative process. Our purpose is to broaden the teachers’ use of new Web 2.0 technologies and implement them as a teaching resource. In this way, they shall find benefits for themselves as well as students motivated in the acquisition of English as a second language.
Keywords: Collaborative learning, English, pedagogic resource, icts
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