Parental Bonding Instrument’s (pbi) psychometric properties of population from Medellín, Colombia

Original Research Articles
Yvonne Gómez Maquet

Universidad de los Andes

Victor Julián Vallejo Zapata

Universidad de Antioquia

Johny Villada Zapata

Universidad de Antioquia

Renato Zambrano Cruz

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

This paper is a product of the research “Parental Bonding Instrument (pbi) test’s standardization in college population from Medellín, Colombia”. This study purpose involved establishing the psychometric properties of pbi, developed in 1979 by Parker, Tupling and Brown as an objective test that pretends to measure and determine child-to-parent bonding. It is a retrospective test and it measures the assessed individual’s own perception about his/her relationship up to age 16 with his or her father and mother, separately. It consists of 25 items which evaluate two scales called for this study afecto and control, (care and overprotection, within the original). The study was conducted on a sample of 430 students from several colleges within Medellin and its metropolitan area, and reported a Cronbach’s alpha at 0,89 for paternal-care scale; 0,88 for maternal-care scale; 0,80 for paternal-overprotection scale and 0,85 for maternal-overprotection scale.

Keywords: parental bonding, pbi, psychometric properties, psychological test, bond
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