Social skills in Psychology students from Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia : Montería

Original Research Articles
Viviana María Ruiz Arias

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Eduardo Adrián Jaramillo Campillo

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

This article presents research results conducted to describe the social skills of students from the School of Psychology at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Montería. The sample included 108 registered students in the faculty, appointed in 2009, formed by 16 men (14,8%) and 92 women (85,2%), between 17 and 46 years old. The methodological approach was qualitative-quantitative; the Social Skills Scale (Gismero, 2000) was used as an assessment tool. The descriptive analysis of the test scores factors and the Pearson correlation index allowed observing that students in the first semesters (II and III) show deficits in social skills (hhss) such as: defending one’s rights as a consumer, expression of anger or disagreement, saying no and starting and finishing positive interactions with the opposite sex. The most typical hhss within the sample population is self-expression in social events.
Keywords: assertiveness, psychology students, social skills
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