Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents : Internal Consistency and Dimensionality in Adolescents from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Original Research Articles
Juliana Beatriz Stover

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Guadalupe de la Iglesia

Universidad de Palermo

Alejandro Castro Solano

Universidad de Palermo

Mercedes Fernández Liporace

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Introduction: The Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents (PAI-A) examines the psychopathological symptomatology and variables related to the design of psychotherapeutic interventions. It is composed of 264 items for use in the clinical assessment of adolescents between 12-18 years old. Validity, clinical, treatment-related, and interpersonal relationship scales are included.

Purpose: This paper presents psychometric analyses of the Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents.

Method: The participants were 1,002 adolescents (50.3% women, 49.7% men, Mage=14.99, SD=1.88) living in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and on the outskirts. Cronbach’s alphas were calculated to estimate internal consistency, with excellent values for clinical, treatment-related and interpersonal relationship scales, and acceptable values for validity scales and subscales.

Results: Dimensionality was examined by principal component analysis with a varimax rotation. A four-factor structure was isolated by including the 22 scales, whereas two factors were obtained when analyzing the 11 clinical scales.

Conclusions: We provide evidence of the psychometric quality of the pai-a for use with adolescents from Buenos Aires, filling a gap in local psychological assessment. Further research should extend these psychometric quality analyses, and replicate the procedures in clinical samples.

Keywords: adolescents, internal consistency, dimensionality, PAI-A
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