Individual Differences in Deductive Reasoning : A Narrative Review

Research Review Article
María del Carmen Crivello

Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Guillermo Macbeth

Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Mauro Fioramonti

Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Eugenia Razumiejczyk

Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Introduction: This study addresses the issue of individual differences in deductive reasoning. It covers some of the variables related to the field: cognitive skills, development, gender and culture of people.

Objective: To provide a narrative review of the main proposals in the area, emphasizing social factors.

Methodology: A qualitative analysis of existing literature is performed, assessing mainly classic and some recent contributions.

Results: Variables of individual differences that can contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon under study have been detected.

Conclusion: The main findings and limitations of the work, related to the combination of evidence in future meta-analytic studies, were summarized.

Keywords: development, individual differences, gender and culture, intelligence, reasoning

How to Cite

Crivello, M. del C., Macbeth, G., Fioramonti, M., & Razumiejczyk, E. (2016). Individual Differences in Deductive Reasoning: A Narrative Review. Pensando Psicología, 12(19), 23-38.
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