Periodontal manifestation comparison in a group of chimu consumers and smokers in Villavicencio, Colombia

Diana Forero

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Edgar Espinosa

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Luis Alexys Pinzón Castro

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Introduction: the active ingredient of chewing tobacco, known as chimú in Colombia, is nicotine, a liquid, oily and colorless alkaloid that goes through the oral mucosa, which is a triggering factor and further problem in periodontal diseases. The objective of this analysis was to determine the difference in patients consuming chewing tobacco (chimu), compared to a group of cigarette smokers and a group of non-smokers.

Methods: a case and cross-sectional study, with a sample, for convenience purposes, of 90 subjects (18 to 40 years). An intra-oral examination was conducted, which included a periodontogram, as well as the O’Leary index, both to classify the periodontal disease according to the American Academy of Periodontology, and gingival retractions according to Miller.

Results: a total of 26.7% of the subjects who chewed chimu had periodontal disease; 73.3% gingivitis, 63.3 gingival retractions; and 40% gingival hyperplasia. As for smokers, 63.3% had periodontal disease; 367%, gingivitis; 26.7%, gingival retractions, and 20%, gingival hyperplasia. As for patients who did not consume tobacco, 3.3% had periodontal disease; 96.7%, gingivitis; 20%, gingival retractions, and 16.6%, gingival hyperplasia. Association between chimu and cigarettes: periodontal disease (p = 0,004, or 0,21 ci 95% 0,70-0,631), gingivitis (p = 0,004 or 4,75 ci 95% 1,58-14,24), gingival retractions (p = 0,004, or 4,75 ci 95% 1,58-14,24), gingival hyperplasia (valor p: 0,091).

Conclusions: chimu consumption is less harmful than smoking, as regards periodontal disease. It is, however, a risk factor for gingivitis and gingival retraction. Gingival hyperplasia is not associated with the smoking and tobacco chewing habits.

Keywords: chimu, cigarette, periodontal disease, hyperplasia, gingival retraction.
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