Effects of Phosphoric Acid and Microsandblasting in One-Step or Two-Step Self-Etching Adhesives

Alba Lucía Gómez Carreño

Universidad Hispano Guaraní

Laura Isabel Prada Espinosa

Universidad Hispano Guaraní

Henry Alexander Barrios Bastidas

Universidad Hispano Guaraní

Mauricio Peña Castillo

Universidad Hispano Guaraní

Edgar Alexander López López

Universidad Hispano Guaraní

Osnara María Mongruel Gomes

Universidad Hispano Guaraní

John Alexis Domínguez

Universidad Hispano Guaraní

Introduction: the object of this research was to evaluate the microshearing strength of two self-etching adhesives: one-step and two-step on enamel, upon acid and microsandblasting.

Methods: 40 recently pulled human third molars, which were filed down with 600 - 2500 and divided into two groups: 1) one step (n = 20); 2) two steps (n = 20); then they were divided into four subgroups, following the procedures (sa-sm: adhesive application according to the manufacturer; sa-m: upon microsandblasting and adhesive application; ca-sm: 37% phosphoric acid application and adhesive application; ca-m: microsandblasting, 37% phosphoric acid and adhesive). Then, three layers of tygon were applied on each surface. Microshearing test conducted. The data were analyzed with the D’Agostino normality test. Afterwards, the two-criteria Anova analysis was conducted and Bonferrini postest (α = 0.05).

Results: for the two-step adhesive prior application of 37% phosphoric acid and/ or microsandblasting, there is no significant increase in the enamel adhesion strength values (p = 0,678). The application of 37% phosphoric acid on enamel before the one-step adhesive increases the strength values (p = 0,001).

Conclusions: microsandblasting before the adhesive process does not help increase the enamel adhesion strength values; the application of phosphoric acid helps increase the enamel adhesion strength values.

Keywords: adhesion strength, tooth enamel, Microshear, self-etching adhesives

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