Odontometric analysis of permanent dentition in caucasoid mestizos from Popayán, Colombia, 2020

Bruno Gutierrez Quiceno

Universidad del Valle

Chris Dahiana Parra

Universidad del Valle

Karen Daniela Rivera

Universidad del Valle

Freddy Moreno-Gómez

Universidad del Valle

The odontometric study contributes to the determination of the ethnic pattern and estimation of sex in forensic identification, and the anthropological determination of the ethnic pattern of populations to clarify their origin, formation, isolation, displacement and contact. An odontometric analysis was sought in the permanent dentition of Caucasoid mestizos from Popayán (Colombia); evaluating bilateral symmetry, sexual dimorphism, biological distance and coronal modulus.

The meso-distal and vestibule-lingual diameters of permanent teeth were determined in 72 plaster models. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test was used to determine sexual dimorphism and bilateral symmetry (p <0.05) and the squared Euclidean distance to obtain the biological distances.

According to the meso-distal diameter, the permanent teeth did not present sexual dimorphism with the exception of the lower right canine (p = 0.009) and left (p = 0.046) and the first lower right molar (p = 0.014) and left (p = 0.012), being higher in men. The same happened with the vestibule-lingual diameter, with the exception of the lower left canine (p = 0.028), with a larger size in women. In all teeth and in both diameters there was bilateral symmetry. Men presented larger meso-distal diameters in lower canines and molars.

Keywords: Dental anthropology, odontometry, Dental Dimensions, meso-distal diameter, bucco-lingual diameter

How to Cite

Odontometric analysis of permanent dentition in caucasoid mestizos from Popayán, Colombia, 2020. (2023). Revista Nacional De Odontología, 19(2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.16925/2357-4607.2023.02.01
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