Behavior of the position of the mandibular condyle with the increase of the occlusal vertical dimension in patients treated with orthodontics
Estudiante posgrado de ortodoncia – Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto
Estudiante posgrado de ortodoncia – Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto
Odontólogo,Ortodoncista–Asesorcientífico–DocenteposgradodeortodonciaUniversidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto
Odontólogo, Magister en epidemiologia - Asesor metodológico – Docente posgrado de ortodoncia Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto
Associating the procedure of alteration in the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD), to problems of muscle pain, symptoms of temporomandibular disorders, headache and bruxism, the behavior of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is evaluated, with an increase in OVD in patients with orthodontics, a Scoping Review is performed, with Medline (Pubmed), Scopus, Science Direct and BVS databases; an also search terms: "Temporomandibular Joint".
Bibliography research: selected articles, additional publications and specific search; from 3667 articles, 41 were preselected and 9 were analyzed. Scientific evidence on dependent condylar position changes, use of lifting techniques leading to augmentation, and answering the question about TMJ behavior, with increasing occlusal vertical dimension is searched. Most used diagnostic aid for evaluation of condylar position consisted of: cone beam computed tomography. No statistically significant changes were found in anteroposterior and vertical condylar position, relationship and centric occlusion, or in condylar volume.
Two articles, case reports record statistically significant changes: condylar position in joint space, and index. Reported effects of the increase OVD on TJM, are mainly based on case reports and descriptive observational studies, overcoming controlled clinical trials. There is insufficient evidence on the effects of increased OVD on TMJ. With weak evidence available, indicating rapid TMJ adaptation capacity to moderate changes in OVD. TMJ changes and condylar position are not indicated due to permanent alteration of OVD; further studies are required.
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