The circulating reference in dentistry: : reflections on the relationship between words and things

Juliana Vargas

Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de las Américas

Jorge Alexander Daza

Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de las Américas

Heiller Zárate

Universidad El Bosque

This article analyses the epistemic problem of the relationship between words and things in dentistry. Specifically, the concept of circulating reference is used to give an account of how artifacts, practices, and materials are articulated to produce a diagnosis in dental consultation. The concept of circulating reference was proposed by Bruno Latour, who argues that words and things are not naturally linked in a correspondence relationship, instead, it is required constant work to connect multiple elements to produce reality. For explaining this, the scholar examined the controversy within a group of scientists that were studying the border between the jungle and the savanna in the Brazilian Amazon. Those scientists implemented different strategies to transform vegetal species and soil into numbers, labels, and research reports. This case works as a model to study the dental consultation, as long as a patient with an oral disease is transformed into a diagnosis through different procedures, such as filling out identification data, motive for consultation, and odontogram.

Keywords: Cultural Anthropology, Dental Education, Dental Philosophy, Dentists' Practice Patterns, Oral Diagnosis
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