Pattern of dental caries in 3-5 year old children in a children’s day care center : Medellín, Colombia

Gloria Escobar Paucar

Universidad de Antioquia

Blanca Susana Ramírez Puerta

Universidad de Antioquia

Introduction: Dental caries in preschool children, a pending health challenge, requires greater efforts to recognize the problem and to design intervention strategies. The purpose of this study was to identify experience and pattern distribution of dental caries lesions in children who attend a kindergarten in the city.

Materials and methods: A calibrated dentist examined 177 children 3-to 5- year-old, using ICDAS criteria. Caries experience (ECC) and severe early childhood caries (ECC-S) was calculated; the indexes d5-6ICDASmft, d5-6ICDASmfs, d1-6ICDASmft, d1-6ICDASmfs; as well as the percentages of affected teeth and individual surfaces and by homologous teeth.

Results: A 61% had ECC and 48% ECC-S with 95% CI (53.5; 68.5 and 40.4; 55.7) respectively. The d1-6 ICDASmft index was 3.3 ± 4.9 in 3-year-old children and 5.3 ± 4.8 in 5-year-old. Primary molars showed greater dental caries experience (32.8% to 45.2%), especially in occlusal (25.3% to 33.3%). The least affected teeth were the lower anterior (1.7% to 2.8%). The caries experience in homologous teeth showed statistically significant differences between the occlusal surfaces and the other surfaces in molars. In the incisors and canines, the buccal surface showed greater caries experience.

Conclusion: Dental caries affects the majority of children who attend an institution in Medellín, with a distribution of lesions similar to other studies; It is necessary to continue working to implement strategies for detection and timely control of the disease, according to the pattern found.

Keywords: dental caries, primary dentition, oral health
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