“Smiles for Health”. Experience of a radial program CES University : Faculty of Dentistry. Medellín, Colombia

Maria Cristina Giraldo Zuluaga

Universidad CES

Cecilia María Martínez Delgado

Universidad CES

Introduction: Radio is a classic means of communication that allows activities related to health education to be carried out, approaching the community pleasantly and clearly.

Objective: The purpose of this experience was to achieve the positioning in the community of the importance of oral health, placing it as a component that cannot be separated from general health.

Methods: To carry out the radio program with a focus on oral health, topics of interest to the work community was selected and presented through conversation with an expert, bringing information to the listeners clearly and disseminating strategies for oral care. Interaction with listeners was promoted on the University’s social networks.

Results: Between March 2018 and May 2021, 46 programs have been prerecorded and broadcast with a total of 403 views. The dissemination of the program by the academic community and graduates with family and friends has allowed having a reach of radio listeners in different countries of the world. The acceptance of the program was explored, 90 % of those surveyed considered that the message of the importance of the mouth as a part of the body was transmitted and 80 % have recommended that close people listen to some of the broad-casts since they are easy to locate on CES Radio.

Conclusions: A specialized and informative radio program can offer the public the possibility of learning about a topic, creating an opinion, and finding possible solutions to any personal and collective situation.

Keywords: mass media, health promotion, health literacy, oral health
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