Conservative treatment of an unicyistic ameloblastoma, with a 32months follow-up : Case report

Alejandro Hidalgo

Universidad de Talca

Juan Schilling Lara

Universidad de Talca

Luis Flores Gómez

Universidad de Talca

Pablo Reyes Olave

Universidad de Talca

Introduction: Unicystic ameloblastoma (UA) is a variant of conventional ameloblastoma, which can originate from the odontogenic epithelium. It usually occurs between the second and third decade of life, mainly in the posterior area of ​​the mandible. Radiographically, it is observed as a well-defined, corticated or partially corticated unilocular radiolucent image, associated with a non-erupted tooth.

Presentation of the clinical case: a 9-year-old girl is evaluated, with no relevant medical or family history, due to a large painless swelling in the right mandibular area, which causes asymmetry of the lower facial third of the affected side. In the imaging study, a unilocular lesion was observed in the right mandibular area, which extended from the mandibular notch to the tooth 4.5, leading to thinning and bone expansion. The incisional biopsy gave a suggestive result of UA. Treatment was conservative, by decompression using two cannulas. A reduction of approximately 36% after 32 months follow-up was obtained. Clinical and radiographic controls will continue until a reduction of at least 50% of the size lesion is achieved, to enucleate it.

Conclusion: AU treatment should be planned mainly according to the histological subtype and its biological behavior, and the patient should be kept under strict clinical and radiographic control. It is necessary to inform, motivate and engage the patient or guardian, so that he/she is aware of his/her responsibility in the treatment success.

Keywords: odontogenic tumor, ameloblastoma, unicystic ameloblastoma, conservative treatment
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