Effect of rapid expansion of the maxilla in the treatment of sleep breathing disorders in children, bibliographic review

Antonieta Pérez Flores

Universidad de Concepción

Ricardo Alarcón

Universidad de Concepción

Lorena Bravo

Universidad de Concepción

Claudia Fierro Monti

Universidad de Concepción

Romina Novoa

Universidad de Concepción

Sleep and breathing are intrinsically related functions. The spectrum of Sleep Respiratory Disorders (SRD) includes: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS), Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) and Primary Snoring (PS). Although snoring is a very frequent manifestation, its presence shows some degree of partial obstruction of the upper airway. Surgical treatment, adenotonsilectomy, has been recommended as a first line by foreign clinical guidelines. The anatomical susceptibility to develop sleep apnea is determined by the relationship between the fixed dimensions of the craniofacial skeleton, volume and distribution of soft tissue structures and adipose tissue that reside in the skeletal compartment. The rapid expansion of the maxilla is currently used in children with maxillary constriction and as an alternative treatment for SRD in children. The bibliographic evidence of the last 15 years is presented for orthopedic treatment of maxillary expansion as an adjunctive treatment of SRD in childhood.

Keywords: rapid maxillar expansion, sleep breathing disorders in children

How to Cite

Effect of rapid expansion of the maxilla in the treatment of sleep breathing disorders in children, bibliographic review. (2021). Revista Nacional De Odontología, 17(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.16925/2357-4607.2021.01.09
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