Apexogenesis of a First Permanent Mandibular Molar with MTA

Andrés Callejas Ospina

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Pasto

William Andrés Jaramillo Builes

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Introduction:One of the main goals of endodontic therapy is to chemically and mechanically clean the root canal system with the complete removal of the pulp tissue in teeth that are fully grown and have suffered some kind of pulp pathology. However, there are cases in which the goal is to keep some of that tissue to promote root development in teeth that have undergone some type of pathology and have not yet finished their root formation. For these cases, the apexogenesis is a treatment that can induce apical closure of teeth with incomplete root formation. This case report describes treatment of a 7 year old girl that consulted at the Department of Dental Emergencies of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia with an occasional pain on her left lower jaw. The tooth responsible was examined clinically and through x-rays. On clinical examination, the first permanent left mandibular molar had extensive caries and immature apices. Radiographic examination revealed an immature root. We performed conservative treatment (apexogenesis) and then a 1 year follow up that evidenced apical closure and the disappearance of the symptoms.

Keywords: apexogenesis, immature tooth root apex, pain, calcium hydroxide, MTA, pulpotomy
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