Means of War or War by Other Means : Informative Strategies in Contexts of Conflct

Ana Milena Marín Arroyave

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Ths article analyzes the informative strategies deployed by the mass media in diffrent contexts of armed conflct. In this scenario, it is relevant to analyze that, inversely to the defiition of journalism as an impartial and objective discipline, there is a contradiction associated with the inflence of the dynamics of power on the “news” in a situation of war. In this regard, there are certain examples that accurately reflct this panorama, including the tactic of Nazi propaganda implemented during the Second World War, instantly transmitted information that characterized the wars waged by the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq, and fially, the journalistic approach to false positives and the protests against the farc-ep in Colombia in 2008. Based on these cases, it is argued that the role of media information is essential when fihting a war, whether to win a battle, obtain popular support or create collective imaginations minimizing the social and political inflence of events. At the same time, it is evident that reports on conflcts disseminated through the mass media are associated with the current political project

Keywords: armed conflct, public sphere, information media, public opinion, war journalism
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