Constitutional Principles Governing the Tax System

Derecho y políticas públicas
César Augusto Romero Molina

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Yenny Cristina Grass Súarez

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Ximena Cristina García Caicedo

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Th intention of this article is to identify principles governing the tax system, analyzing its limits and scope in the application of tax regulations, pursuant to high court rulings. The purpose is to determine the limit on the arbitrary power of the State to tax and regulate its relationship with the individuals of whom it is composed. Each of these principles (legality, equality, effiency, fairness, progressivity, retroactivity, unity of matter and ability to pay) regulate a number of values that allow the state and individuals to relate jointly to cover basic
necessary services.

Keywords: Constitution, jurisprudence, constitutional principles, taxes
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