Criminological principles of crime prevention in the field of physical culture and sports of Ukraine

Olexandr M. Dzhuzha

Intellectual Property Rights of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

Vitaly V. Vasylevych

National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bohdan M. Telefanko

Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of the Name C. Z. Grzycki, Lviv, Ukraine

Nataliіa E. Filipenko

National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The purpose of this paper is to examine to what extent Ukraine has established the criminological foundation to ensure its prevention in the field of physical culture and sport. The commission of crimes has always been increasing in societies, albeit with the existence of credible principles and sanctions. We all know that in the field of physical culture and sport there are experiences of crimes of all kinds, which has affected the very existence of this discipline. There is no way to have effective recognition of these fields if appropriate measures and not taken to curb the crime level in the areas. Crime in the field of physical culture and sports covers almost every type of crime in the Special Part of Criminology. The current lack of objective data in the state statistics on the topics of our interest, and the urgent need to study crimes in the sphere of physical culture and sports, require the development of appropriate conceptual approaches to collect and summarize our own empirical information, taking into account the tasks of this research and the prospects of application of the obtained results in the practical activities of police units. The authors of the article have tried to develop the criminological characteristics and crime prevention in the field of physical culture and sports. The authors have emphasized the high latency of this type of crime, as well as the methodology of research of this phenomenon; they have revealed the brief characteristics of the criminal’s personality in the field of physical culture and sports. Preventive measures against these crimes have been substantiated. Proposals to improve the legal regulation of criminal and legal prevention of criminal encroachments within sports have been provided. The priority task of the modern state is the formation of a healthy nation and the proper guaranteeing and regula-tion of various spheres of public life, which should contribute to the improvement of health and physical and spiritual development of the population. Such areas as physical culture and sports are not the least important. Today, some socially dangerous phenomena have taken root in Ukraine in this area, in particular, corruption, injuries, mortality, etc.

Keywords: sphere of physical culture and sports, criminological characteristics, latency, empirical basis, victimological prevention, legislative prevention, sports crime
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