The Actual Meaning of Colombia Being Under the Social Rule of Law
Magíster en Derecho, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá. Abogado, Universidad Santiago de Cali.
Investigador júnior, Colciencias. Docente de Posgrados, Universidad de la Amazonía y de la Universidad
Santo Tomás de Bogotá.
Aim: The exercise will consist in establishing the meanings of the concepts related to the principle of the Social Rule of Law.
Methods: Indeed, what does it mean that Colombia is under the Social Rule of Law? The expression means that the constituents representing the people decided on a specific form of State and excluded others. But what characterizes it?
Results: While being a supremely rich topic full of implications about which entire books could be written, it will be presented in a summarized manner trying to gather all the important elements of the discussion around it.
Conclusions: If there is no Rule of Law, there is no democracy. The Social Rule of Law also strives for the realization of fundamental social rights.
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