Characteristics of child abuse in the district of Ciudad Porfía in Villavicencio, Meta

Derecho y políticas públicas
Blanca Margarita Diaz Orjuela

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

The research carried out on child abuse in the district of Ciudad Porfia of Villavicencio, Meta, with a group of underage children from the Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento School, showed the presence of physical and psychological abuse, consisting in pinches, whipping with belts, lassos or other objects, as well as yelling and permanent scolding with strong swearwords among other kinds of abuse. The study showed the confusion that exists among the notions of correction and abuse among fathers with regard to their children. We undertook conscience building training on the psychological consequences of child abuse on the human being, and on the criminal sanctions that this mistreatment implies.
Keywords: Conflict, abuse, children, swearing, domestic violence
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