
DIXI is an academic publication that aims to disseminate research, reflection and review articles in the area of law. Its target audience is researchers, research groups, professors and undergraduate and graduate students in law in Colombia and other countries.


DIXI journal was strated in December 1998 at the Law School of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Bucaramanga Headquarters as promoter and disseminator of local scientific work. In 2009, with its publication No. 11, it received the Indexing of Colciencias in category C. Since then, the publication has not been interrupted and today it has an international projection for its virtual publication in Open Journal System (OJS) and for having been indexing at: Dialnet, Latindex, Doaj, Vlex, Clarivate Analytics.
Open Access Policy
All the contents of the journal are published in open access, under a Creative Commons’ Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).


Possibilities of plagiarism are eliminated by the software TURNITIN.


The journal and its editorial team will promote, through its policies and actions, ethics in the research processes, the appropriate use of content protected by copyright and the quality of the works it publishes, so that the different collaborators (editors, authors and evaluators) interact under principles of academic integrity.
Publication costs
The submission of papers to the journal and its editing process, if approved, is free; It has no cost, at any stage for the authors. The magazine is financed in its entirety by the Editorial Fund of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.


Conflicts of interest
The authors declare possible conflicts of interest.


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Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia