Experiences with Solidarity-Based Economy Ventures : Case Study of a Recyclers’ Association in Bogotá

Ernesto Valdés Serrano

Universidad Piloto de Colombia

This article is the partial result of a monitoring process conducted in 2011 on a solidarity-based eco- nomy venture created by garbage salvagers in Bogotá. The process was conducted to show the venture’s potential and limitations within the framework of public policy for solid waste management. The article centers on understanding the reach and conditions for this type of organization, given that their mode of production is not capital, but their work, as well as the communities that constitute their foundation or context. The focus of the ongoing research is qualitative and participative, and seeks to create knowledge through interaction with the key figures in this organizational experience. These people are therefore also recognized as contributing to and generating relevant knowledge according to their social praxis.
Keywords: innovative behavior, solidarity based economy ventures, social inclusion, recycling
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