Cultural transformation and transformative territorial development : a prospective look at geographical indications of origin
This text presents a reflection on the role of culture in territorial development projects. This, mainly with a view to achieving two objectives: to find a logical place for culture in the processes of territorial development and to look for a possible instrument for the construction, in rural spaces, of an alternative culture to the predatory material growth of nature and the force of the worked. This model has led many territories to a process of autophagic development, that is, it feeds predatorily on its material substrate. This brings, as one of the most direct consequences, a significant advance in infectious diseases that threaten humanity. To this end, the work is fundamentally based on the Marxist concept of social metabolism, on Eagleton’s idea of culture and on the result of our research on the subject of territorial development and geographical indications of origin, which the reflections suggest with a possible instrument to build an alternative culture in rural areas.
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