Importance of training in processes of the application of public policy for joint ventures : the Medellín case

Martha del Socorro Alzate Cárdenas

Universidad Catolica Luís Amigó

Olga Lucia Arboleda Alvarez

Universidad Catolica Luís Amigó

This article reflects on the importance of training in public policy application processes for solidarity projects, in the light of democratic, self-managed, humanitarian and non-profit organizations. The process of construction of the article, took into account aspects of the public policy of solidarity economy started in Medellin as of 2011, articulated to the training processes and supported by some testimonies of beneficiaries, operators and officials of the municipal administration that have had a direct relationship with this public policy, in addition to interviews with experts on the subject of some countries in Latin America. The people consulted agree on the need to rethink training, before being applied in other regions of Colombia.

Keywords: Training, Solidarity Economy, Public Policy
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