Fifth Systemic Helix (fsh), a Model for the Development of Public Policies
Universidad de Costa Rica (cicap-ucr)
Doctor en Estudios del Desarrollo Global. Docente de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Docente invitado de la Universidad de Costa Rica (cicap-ucr).
Through the sectorial comparison and the use of the methodology of the Fifth Systemic Helix developed in the research “Identification of the Factors Determining International Competitiveness in the Maquiladora Industry of the Electronic Sector of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico”, performed as doctoral thesis at the Universidad de Baja California in 2009 and 2011, this paper proposes a series of systemic variables for the cooperative sector and the social economy for the exploration of a research that approaches to the determinants of the state of development and its competitiveness, generating indicators for this sectors: cooperatives, cooperative education, government (public policy for the cooperativism), cooperatives associations and cooperatives consultants, representing a framework of systematic evaluation of the regional cooperative development.
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