Incentives for Business Financing : The Particular Case of Business Angels in Spain

Emprendimiento Solidario e Innovación Social
María del Mar Soto Moya

Universidad de Málaga

Purpose: This article focuses on the role of business angels as social innovation agents that provide support to entrepreneurs who have been unable to finance their business through traditional sources of funding, specially emphasizing tax issues and the last regulatory updates around this institution. Description: Credit crunch by banks as a result of the economic crisis has determined the need to resort to alternative financing instruments; therefore, social innovation tools become necessary to resolve those issues to which the government has failed to respond. Point of view: Business angels are presented today as one of the most relevant models for obtaining the necessary funding when it comes to implementing projects that would otherwise not have been able to get the necessary credit. Conclusions: In a context of economic crisis, as experienced in recent years, it is essential to resort to new alternative forms of financing; therefore, the government should establish the necessary mechanisms for promoting these investments, financial law being the ideal vehicle for doing so.

Keywords: business angels, social economy, entrepreneur, social innovation, taxation.
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