Neuropsychological characteristics of ruminative thought in patients subjected to heart surgery with and without extracorporeal circulation

Original Research Articles
Ahyní Abeledo Alfonso

Hospital Universitario Celestino Hernández Robau

Luis Felipe Herrera Jiménez

Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas

Daymi Alfonso López

Universidad Médica Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz

This paper presents the results of the research “Comparison of neuropsychological performance of thought on patients subjected to heart surgery with and without extracorporeal circulation”, carried out at the Cardiocentro Ernesto Che Guevara (Ernesto Che Guevara Heart Clinic), Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba, from October 2010 to april 2011. The sample was composed of 40 patients that underwent heart surgery, divided in two groups according to whether they had extracorporeal circulation during the surgery. For the development of the research we employed psychological analysis of the elements from clinical records, a semistructured psichological interview of the patient and the While-Bear Suppression Inventory (wbsi). The analysis of acquired data confirmed the presence of greater manifestations of ruminative and suppressive thought in patients that underwent surgery with extracorporeal circulation; we highlight the presence of intrusive and unwanted thoughts and self-distraction.

Keywords: neuropsychological characteristics, extracorporeal circulation, heart surgery, ruminative thought, suppressive thought
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