Fear of crime in Mexican youths : psychometric properties of a psychosocial measure

Hiram Reyes Sosa

Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Francisco Álvarez Montero

Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Alicia Puente Martínez

Universidad del País Vasco

Aim: This article analizes psychometric properties of a Fear of crime scale from a psychosocial perspective.

Methodology: An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and a Confirmatory Factor Analysis were conducted. Sample was composed of by 443 university students from Sinaloa, Mexico. Average age of participants was 21.32 years (SD=2.23).

Results: A theoretical structure of fear of crime was explored through two confirmatory models: one of first order and another from second order. Scale presented satisfactory reliability and goodness of fit.

Conclusions: Results confirm a second order model in the explanation of the psychosocial and polysemic construction of fear of crime.

Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis, insecurity, fear of crime, structural equation modeling, risk perception
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